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来源:https://www.jnfhjc.com 日期:2020-05-19 发布人:


  Next, the paper analyzes the construction factors that cause the cracks in the plastering mortar layer of the external wall insulation system in the plastering mortar construction of Jinan.
  The external wall external insulation system shall be completed at the construction site of the project. The quality of plastering mortar is related to the overall quality of the insulation system, and it is also an important factor leading to the cracking of the insulation plastering mortar layer.
  1. 基础面平整度偏差过大,调整粘结剂厚度、调整多层板、调整表面抛光、调平等,都会导致保温质量的质量缺陷。
  1. If the flatness deviation of the foundation surface is too large, adjusting the thickness of the binder, adjusting the multi-layer plate, adjusting the surface polishing, and adjusting the equality will lead to the quality defects of the insulation quality.
  2、 The surface of the base layer contains dust and other substances that hinder the paste, and the interface treatment is not carried out when the paste is made.
  3. Jinan bonding mortar introduces that the bonding area of insulation board is too small, which does not meet the requirements of specifications and construction scheme, and cannot meet the quality requirements of bonding area.
  4. 保温板的埋深和锚钉数量不符合设计和施工方案的要求。
  4. The buried depth of the insulation board and the number of anchor nails do not meet the requirements of the design and construction scheme.
  5. 耐碱性玻璃纤维网格布的研磨宽度不符合规范要求,研磨处产生裂纹。
  5. The grinding width of alkali resistant glass fiber mesh does not meet the specification requirements, and cracks are produced at the grinding place.
  6. 门窗开口的四个角是应力集中的地方。沿门窗开口45°方向不加耐碱玻纤网布,经常出现裂缝。
  6. The four corners of the door and window opening are the places where the stress is concentrated. Along the 45 ° direction of the door and window opening, alkali resistant glass fiber mesh is not added, and cracks often occur.
  7. 在太阳暴晒或高温天气下施工抹灰砂浆层,保水性能不足,导致抹灰砂浆层失水过多而产生裂缝。
  7. When the plastering mortar layer is constructed in the sun or high temperature weather, the water retention performance is insufficient, resulting in excessive water loss of the plastering mortar layer and cracks.
  Jinan plastering mortar introduces the material factors that cause the cracks in the plastering mortar layer of the external wall insulation system
  1、图纸设计选择密度18 - 22公斤/立方米保温板,材料的批准由国家检验机构检验合格,保温材料进入现场测量后质量检查的密度,在施工的过程中检查或定期聚苯板测量密度,防止施工单位在施工过程中以次充好的行为。
  1. The density of 18-22kg / m3 insulation board is selected in the drawing design. The approval of the material is inspected and qualified by the national inspection agency. The density of the quality inspection after the insulation material enters the site for measurement. During the construction process, check or regularly measure the density of polystyrene board to prevent the construction unit from shoddy behavior in the construction process.
  2. 保温材料应由系统材料供应商配套供应,充分发挥粘结剂、保温板、耐碱玻璃纤维网布、抹灰砂浆的整体效果。
  2. The thermal insulation material shall be supplied by the system material supplier to give full play to the overall effect of binder, thermal insulation board, alkali resistant glass fiber mesh and plastering mortar.
  3. Jinan plastering mortar tells you to choose the normal construction enterprise's comprehensive strength as much as possible, the developer can pay the advance payment, the construction unit must customize the insulation board in advance, in order to ensure that the insulation board has enough aging time before construction, to prevent the insulation board behind the wall from shrinking.
  4. After the polystyrene board paste is fixed, the paste strength shall meet the requirements, and the surface layer shall be prepared in time to avoid the board temperature caused by too long exposure time.
  5. 基础与粘结剂的抗拉结合强度不低于0.3mpa,结合界面分离面积不大于50%。
  5. The tensile bond strength of foundation and binder shall not be less than 0.3mpa The separation area of the interface shall not be greater than 50%.
  6. 外墙保温系统的材料应符合《发泡聚苯板薄抹灰外墙保温系统》、《外墙保温工程技术规程》等相关行业标准的要求。
  6. The materials of external wall insulation system shall meet the requirements of relevant industry standards such as foamed polystyrene board thin plastering external wall insulation system, technical specification for external wall insulation engineering, etc.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by Jinan plastering mortar manufacturer. If you want to know more, please visit the website: https://www.jnfhjc.com