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来源:https://www.jnfhjc.com 日期:2024-03-13 发布人:


Anti crack plastering mortar is an indispensable material in construction engineering, commonly used for repairing and decorating indoor and outdoor walls, stairs, floors, and other areas. Its function is to fill in the unevenness of the surface, compensate for cracks in the wall, and enhance the strength and aesthetics of the wall. Next, let's introduce the application methods of crack resistant plastering mortar.


Choose a suitable plastering mortar. Generally speaking, there are various types of crack resistant plastering mortar on the market, and we should choose the mortar that is suitable for ourselves according to our needs. For example, if you want to use it for outdoor walls, you can choose mortar that is resistant to climate change; If you want to use it for indoor flooring, you can choose wear-resistant mortar.



Prepare construction tools. Mainly including scraper, scraper, level, wooden nail, brush, etc. In addition, some fine sand and water need to be prepared to prepare mortar.

接着,做好墙面基础处理工作。在施工前,必须清除表面的灰尘和杂物。如有混凝土或砖体的缺口,要 行修补,确保表面是平整的。

Next, do a good job in wall foundation treatment. Before construction, the surface must be cleaned of dust and debris. If there are gaps in concrete or bricks, they should be repaired to ensure that the surface is flat.


Then, carry out the construction of crack resistant plaster mortar. First, mix a certain proportion of mortar and water evenly, and then use a scraper to evenly scrape on the wall. During this process, attention should be paid to measuring the straightness of the wall with a spirit level, and constantly adjusting the height and level of the scraper.


Perform polishing and painting. After drying the surface mortar, gently polish it with a trowel to make the surface smooth and delicate. Afterwards, paint can be applied to the surface as needed to enhance the aesthetics and durability of the wall.


During the construction process, we also need to pay attention to the following points:

1. 注意保持墙面的湿润。在施工时墙面要保持湿润,这样砂浆的粘接效果更好。

1. Pay attention to keeping the wall moist. During construction, the wall should be kept moist, so that the bonding effect of the mortar is better.

2. 注意砂浆的厚度。把砂浆刮匀时要注意控制厚度,如果过厚,则会影响砂浆的干燥和粘结。

2. Pay attention to the thickness of the mortar. When scraping the mortar evenly, pay attention to controlling the thickness. If it is too thick, it will affect the drying and bonding of the mortar.

3. 注意砂浆中细沙的比例。不同类型的抗裂抹面砂浆中细沙的比例不同,必须根据要求进行配比,以保证砂浆的粘度和强度。

3. Pay attention to the proportion of fine sand in the mortar. The proportion of fine sand in different types of crack resistant plastering mortar varies, and it is necessary to mix according to the requirements to ensure the viscosity and strength of the mortar.


This article is provided by Jinan plastering mortar for assistance. For more related content, please click https://www.jnfhjc.com I hope this article can be helpful to you. Thank you for reading!